Steel pipes are one of the most important construction materials used in many many modern construction sectors and high-stress environments to withstand external factors. Hence, these steel pipes are used right from plumbing systems to structural applications. However, many manufacturers and steel suppliers in Chennai conduct various pipe testing to make them fit for the intended use. Thus, steel pipes that reach us undergo different testing methods that are classified into destructive and non-destructive testing. The non-destructive testing includes techniques that do not damage the specimen. In destructive testing, the specimen is subjected to pressure to measure its performance and failure. Hence, every pipe that we see and use for our purpose either undergo destructive or non-destructive testing. Therefore, in this post, let us see the different types of pipe testing methods used by many industry manufacturers.
Hydrostatic Testing:
This type of testing is made for the transmission of fluid at a certain pressure. The hydrostatic testing is applied to the steel pipes to determine the risk associated with the steel pipes. The term risk refers to the breakage or cracks during the fluid transmission process. Generally, the hydrostatic test is conducted by shutting down the pipelines and required repairs are made to streamline the process. So, hydrostatic testing is carried out by vacuuming the air present in the tube and filling them with water. Then the steel pipe is subjected to pressure which is 1.5 times its pressure limit.
Thus, visual examinations are carried out by the inspectors where some use tracers or fluorescent dye to check the leakage or cracks. This condition is maintained for several hours to see the capacity of the pipes under excess pressure. The JSW steel dealers in Chennai provide such well-tested pipes to serve the purpose significantly.
Magnetic Particle Inspection:
The magnetic particle inspection is non-destructive testing where it is used to detect any linear flaws. This method is used to identify surface breakage, poorly-welded joints, cold laps, pores, and many more. Hence, this testing involves elements like yoke magnet, magnetic ink, and removable white paint. So, a particular area is magnetized by adding ink, paint, and magnet and then allowed to dry. Thus, if there is any surface defect, a certain area will deform over time. Hence, this method is able to identify any damage in the SAIL TMT bar also by following the same process.
Charpy Impact Test:
The Charpy impact test is a classification under destructive testing. This method is used to measure the toughness of the steel pipe. The Charpy impact test is made on the pipes that are joined together. In the test, a weighted pendulum is hung from a certain height of the steel pipe. It shows the impact of the material absorbed by the specimen. Hence, this testing determines the quality and strength of the steel pipes.
Therefore, these are the different types of pipe testing that determine the physical properties and stability of the material. You can even buy the best steel pipes from Bharat steel- the best steel dealers in Chennai for quality materials.